Thursday, January 31, 2008

Modest comment on the video about the use of the language and the gender

It´s not the first time I hear that women are better than men doing different tasks at the same time. Once I read that women have developed this skill over time (here we have evolution again my friends). 70.000 years ago, more or less, when our ancestors survived in the wilderness, women had to protect their offspring from other predators, and sometimes, at the same time they had to feed them. This two tasks were considered by the article as the responsible for the better developing of this capacity in women. I don´t know if this is totally truth and I don´t even remember where I read that, so don´t take it very seriously, remember that we have to be critical my friends. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Summary on the article of the "Tale of the Gimli Glider"

In 1983 an Air Canada Boeing 767 jet ran out of fuel before it could arrive to its destination. Nobody died in this accident due to the skill of the two pilots who were able to land on an airstrip in Gimli after 200 kilometres of gliding the plane with no energy. The pilots used a gliding technique called sideslipping that causes a lot of drag when a plane is descending. After this emergency land the aircraft was called the gimli glider and its tale has circled the globe.
Twenty five years after this accident the gimli glider is being retired to the Mojave Airport in the California dessert.

The accident is well described in the article and there are some funny declarations of the pilots.
The article also gives a detailed explanation with some pictures and a diagram of what is the slideslipping technique; despite this, I think it´s necessary some knowledge of Aeronautics to satisfactorily comprehend this concept.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

In your opinion what is the most important factor that affects proficiency in learning a second language?

In my opinion what most affects proficiency in learning a second language is the will or motivation to learn that new language. Of course there are other factors or characteristics that affect the succesful adcquisition of a second language like intelligence, age, opportunities to practice your speaking, etc...But for me it´s obvious that if you don´t have the desire to learn you probably won´t dedicate much effort or time to improve your knowledge. And that can be extrapolate to many things in life.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Repsol Tower in Madrid

Torre Repsol (Repsol Tower) is going to be the tallest building in Madrid, the main city of Spain.
Its construction began on the year 2004 and it's supposed to be finished this year. It is going to have 45 floors and its total height would be 250 metres.
If you ever go to Madrid, unless you are a skyscraper´s fan, don't go to see this building. Better visit the Royal Palace, it's not so high but it's much more beautiful!


I think that skyscrapers are built with the only purpose of being huge billboards for big companies. They are not built for making better homes for people, they neither try to help the environment. The reality is that they are mostly used for being neuralgic cores of companies.
Projects like Sky City are just science fiction, I'm sure that we all would get crazy if we lived in a place like that. Jules Verne, in my opinion the best science fiction writer, and a prophet, wrote a novel more than one century ago called "Une ville flottante", the novel is about an artificial huge boat as big as a city where people could live and work, so they needn´t to come back to land. At the end of the novel this boat sinks because the people fights against themselves for a bit of indepency.
And what I consider to be worst is...Imagine you live at the top of an skyscraper, what would you do if all the lifts are out of order and you want to get to your house...