Thursday, January 17, 2008


I think that skyscrapers are built with the only purpose of being huge billboards for big companies. They are not built for making better homes for people, they neither try to help the environment. The reality is that they are mostly used for being neuralgic cores of companies.
Projects like Sky City are just science fiction, I'm sure that we all would get crazy if we lived in a place like that. Jules Verne, in my opinion the best science fiction writer, and a prophet, wrote a novel more than one century ago called "Une ville flottante", the novel is about an artificial huge boat as big as a city where people could live and work, so they needn´t to come back to land. At the end of the novel this boat sinks because the people fights against themselves for a bit of indepency.
And what I consider to be worst is...Imagine you live at the top of an skyscraper, what would you do if all the lifts are out of order and you want to get to your house...


jung said...

I'll run toward top of the building no matter what kind of phsycal obstacle is!!!

Tomas said...

hey! You didn´t consider the circunstance that someday you will be 50 years older...

Geraldine aKa The Point said...

Yes, I agree with you. As the story of Jusles Verne may explains it, we can even control ourselves in the real common world, so how can we do it in a SkyCity...

It's just a polical construction and by far more than just an economic question... just a new way to manipulate people (at least manipulate them more than what it is in the current world).

This is unfortunately what I think...