Sunday, March 16, 2008

...about Present-ations

During the preparation of my presentation I basically learned how to organize the information I wanted to provide in order to talk only for 30 minutes maximum. It was not easy, the evening before the presentation I had to change my thesis and my conclusion because I decided to cut one part, the presentation was too long, so I couldn´t tell you all that I explained in my paper. But it doesn´t matter, I think that it´s more important to explain well one thing than explain poorly many things (and if anybody is interested in learning a bit more about jazz and its apearence I can pass you my paper ha ha ha).
I don´t like talking in public very much, I recognize that I´m afraid of that and that i have a bad time before doing it, but just before I do it. When I start talking I really enjoy it, I like explaining things and I like when people pay attention to you and learn something. I think that my presentation was not very complicated to understand because I focused in only two or three points. I guess it was not so bad, I hope you enjoyed it.
From listening to others presentations I learned some things about water resource managament, about the explotation of children and fair trade, about diabetes, about "slow suicide", about the use of cell phones and its history, about the sense of smell, about smart purchasing and the tricks of ads, about computer companies history and competence, about credit cards and debts, about the relation of memory and stress and about the dangers of tobacco. From all your presentations I learned something because all of you made me think. Thank you.

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