Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Blog Project

I think that the Blog Project is a very good way of expressing things to your classmates that maybe you wouldn´t do at class. It´s a wonderful way of interacting that allows you to use another register of the language and it´s a space where you can give opinions, explanations or help. Maybe some people can have problems with this project if they don´t have internet or a computer, or both; but I don´t consider that a big problem because you can always go to the computer lab. What can I say? I don´t know who had the idea of this project, but I would like to congratulate her or him.


Xixi said...
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Xixi said...

U are a good worker~I think no matter where u r, what job u have, u will be the best one~cuz u love your life, you cherish what u have~u know, I learnt a lot from u~not only the way of thinking, but also the attitude of life~thanks a lot~
very glad to keep contact with such kind people like u~~~~
I will miss u very much~

Ps: sorry for deleting the comment, cuz i made a mistake...hehe

Helen said...

Ha, Tomas, frankly speaking, I have to say you get a little bit lazy (me, too) during last two weeks...It's even harder for you because this is the first course you took in Montreal and your relaxing time is cut by very stressful work...There is no doubt that you are an excellent student in our class and as a friend, you are a one that understand, respect and responde us very well.I really appreciate to be your friend. Don't forget our dreams band, if you need me to help, I'll be there for sure!:)And thanks a lot for your wonderful movies, I really enjoy them (some of them impress me a lot!). I hope that you can enjoy your holiday in Montreal and other part of Canada!