Sunday, February 24, 2008

Theo Jansen´s Strandbeest Lecture

I only have good words for describing the lecture that Dong and I attended at Concordia´s Hall. To listen directly to the creator of such a fantastic and original project as strandbeest is not a thing you live everyday.
After Theo´s speech regarding how he started to create the strandbeest, many questions came to my mind relating the meaning of our lives.
Theo´s meaning is working in his marvellous creatures until he dies. I understood that in this meaning there was beauty, strandbeests are something that the rest of human beings can enjoy, not only Theo. There´s something magic on them. Perhaps our meanings of lives will improve if we adapt the concept of beauty in them. I personally would like to transform my life and it´s meaning in something lovely that could be enjoyed by others.
I left you with a video of a Theo´s presentation that I hope you will enjoy.

1 comment:

Helen said...

It's the second time you are early than me one or two seconds to leave comments for other's blog(Dong and Zicas's blog)!!!!!Why are you always earlier than me~~~555~~~?! As a result, I will be the first one who leave comment in your blog!